
Monday, October 25, 2010

Independent filmmaking NYC

Making independent film in NYC, or anywhere for that matter is difficult.
Its a tough, expensive process, and results always seem to vary. The festival circuit yields uneven results, and the internet is a quagmire.
does anyone know of real, useful forums for independent filmmakers?

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I'm keeping busy with film and video projects, even when my hands are tied!
Recently, one of my short film projects fell through. It was more than a year of hard work and preparation.
I dont think it'a complete loss, but not the way i'd hoped it would go. I wont go into to detail, but someone quit, at the 3/4 completion mark.
I'm just gonna let it go for the time being, and concentrate on other things. I plan on organizing my site, doing some writing, and slowly crapping out a couple music vids and short film projects over the winter.
with figure out what to do with the footage from the lost movie soon.

thats it for now
go green